Jeremy Cowart has organized an amazing and simple idea that reconnects photographers with the heart of why they create. In a season where a lot of photographers are over-worked and on the verge of burnout, something like this might seem like a lot more work than they can squeeze out of themselves right now. At least, I feel that way sometimes. But what I like about this idea, is that it’s not just another “good thing” I could do if I had the time, energy, or resources. It’s an opportunity to connect with the spirit of the holidays in a tangible way and share life and the gift of a photograph with someone I might not otherwise ever cross paths with – perhaps someone who has never been photographed before. What’s more exciting is that this kind of movement isn’t done alone, but together with a community of other photographers (thanks to Christine Pagan for all her work with starting a local Help-Portrait chapter here in Omaha).
It inspires me because it’s much like the nature of love itself. Love must be given to receive it, but it’s not really love if that’s why it’s being given.