It’s hard to imagine taking more than 60 doses of medicine everyday, and spending more than two hours everyday with a vest that vigorously pounds your chest while you inhale vaporized medicine into your lungs. Or having to eat twice the amount of food most other people eat just to maintain a normal weight. Imagine being fearful of every small cold or cough you encounter, knowing the possibility that it could be life threatening. This is reality for Rachel, a sweet little girl of dear friends of ours. She has Cystic Fibrosis (CF). We have watched them battle this horrible disease for Rachel’s entire life. From the moment she was born (in need of surgery), to the cold she has today (that will most likely require harsh antibiotics). Today in Omaha down at Lewis and Clark Landing, Kameron and I (and Justin!) had the privilege of walking with our friends to support Team Rachel. And over 70 people came just for her! “
Great Strides: Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis” is the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation‘s largest national fundraising event. Tens of thousands of co-workers, friends and family (we even ran into some past
clients!) come together each year as one community for one cause… to help find a cure for CF.
The only way research is funded for CF is through donations from events like these. If you would like join our friends in the fight against CF, you can donate here. Every little bit helps move us closer to a cure!