
When the opportunity came up to do a beloved session with Chris Heuretz and his wife Phileena, I was thrilled–I mean THRILLED! I’ve been a fan of Chris since his book Simple Spirituality (it’s on my top-ten-of-all-time list). Phileena is also an author and I’m looking forward to reading her Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life soon. Together they help run Word Made Flesh, an international organization to serve the poorest of the world’s poor. They are amazing and beautiful people doing amazing and beautiful things for the world. Their lives are part of an ongoing story of redemption that exceed the limits of the imagination. And I’m incredibly grateful for our newfound friendship.
The most precious gift I receive as a photographer is to see the hearts of people open and bloom and freely shared with me… it’s priceless. Together we experience sincere laughter, childlike joy, and even healing tears. It’s often difficult to put the experience into words, yet Chris, the adroit wordsmith he is tweeted this shortly after our time together:
“For real, just had one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. Thanks @kbistudio for walking @phileena & me through the #beloved shoot” ~@ChrisHeuertz