

I frequently check your blog to admirer your work and I just want you to know I LOVE what you do. We all have gifts to share with the world and your gift is celebrated through photography. In all of your images I see thoughtfulness, taste, superior execution, but more importantly… JOY! I see joy in the eyes of your subjects, all of them! Your subjects will cherish the images you make for several years, but they will also remember what a joy it was to make them. Keep up the great work! I love the JOY in what you do.

I look at your work every week because it serves as inspiration in my professional life. Take your gifts and wear them out.

Andy Vecellio

Hallmark Institute of Photography

There are a lot of photographers nowadays but few of them have such incredible passion for their craft they can make every image a reflection of their soul… [Kameron’s images] are sensitive, a little bit mysterious, very honest and as kind as he is.

Kameron was one of my classmates during 10 months of an intensive photography program at Hallmark Institute of Photography back in 2007. When I saw some of his images for the first time it was clear to me that his work was absolutely different from what other [photographers] did… Kameron’s images were always much more than just an example of perfect composition and a beautiful color palette, they were very meaningful, strong, and emotionally expressive, but at the same time calm, mysterious, keenly observant and full of intrigue.

Olga Minkevitch

photographer of Photo Photography featured in American Photo as the 2007 Mamiya Award Winner

Your work captures the true depth of life.  It doesn’t just look like images of people and places; they transport you to those specific people and places.

Joe Dorner

Graphic Designer


  • Best of College Photography SPRING ANNUAL 2007
  • Best of College Photography FALL ANNUAL 2007
  • Hallmark Institute of Photography Award of Excellence 2007
  • Virgil Pitstick Award 2008
  • The Les Hassel Memorial 2008