about me


Kameron Bayne

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his brain is a craftsman; a man who works with his hands, brain, and heart is an artist.”

—Lois Nizer


I'm an artist with a background in philosophy, theology, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, graphic design, video production, and of course, photography.


Threads of curiosity, creativity, and connection run through everything I do.


I've been a professional photographer since 2001, traveling across the country for a variety of clients with a range of different production levels. My skills fit best with businesses and non-profit organizations who love their clients, believe in the work they do, and are proud of the results they deliver.


Contact Me


Reach out and say hello.

Ready to collaborate?


Drop me a note and introduce yourself. Tell me more about the ideas for your project, ideal budget, and how you think I can help. Let's create something together to inspire a little more magic in the world.

e. kameron [at] kbistudio.com

p. 402.915.0524

w. kameronbayneimages.com


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