
New Beginnings

We will be out of town all next week for a photographer’s workshop to recap the 2008 year and refresh our approach to a balanced life and business. With the 2009 new year, some exciting new changes are coming…

  • an updated look for our blog and WebReady images (see below)
  • a new online cart system at
  • a brand new employee to help in the office! (we’ll be dedicating a whole post to introduce him in the couple weeks)
  • new online workflow/client management system to help keep us better connected with clients by allowing secure access to 2009 wedding or photo shoot details via a unique portal page website

We have one more piece of news we want to share – but it requires a picture that has yet to be taken… and we hope that opportunity will come sometime this week.

Kameron Bayne Images - Lifestyle Senior Portrait; laughing in the sunKameron Bayne Images - Wedding Rings Detail, MacroKameron Bayne Images - Editorial Senior Picture